Collaborative Workshop at the Art Gallery in Burlington

Collaborative Workshop at the Art Gallery in Burlington

As the Chair of CPHH (Collaborative Practice Hamilton Halton), we facilitated a Collaborative Workshop last week (Wednesday, Jan. 15, 2020) at the Art Gallery in Burlington. 27 Collaborative professionals attended to be the first to learn about the new Client Resource Binder that CPHH Development Committee has been working on for the past year! We had members from Toronto, Peel, Niagara, Hamilton, Brantford attend the Workshop!

Collaborative Practice Hamilton Halton

Collaborative Practice Hamilton Halton

Just a few of the Proud Members of Collaborative Practice Hamilton.

The members of the Hamilton/Halton Collaborative Family Practice Group are all experienced family law lawyers, financial and family life / parenting professionals who have received specialized training in the concepts and methods of Collaborative Practice and Alternative Dispute Resolution.